Total Spent: $74.87
Total Saved with Coupons: $80.87
Total Saved with Sales: $85.43
Total Saved: $166.30
Rite Aid: $2.12
Saved with Coupons: $32.00
Saved with Sales: $22.56

A little slower week at Rite Aid, however I was able to get all of this for free after +UPRewards. I'm so glad that I have 2 Rite Aid stores within 5 minutes of me. The closest one often doesn't have all the sale things in stock and the other one usually does so I can typically still get all the deals. This week I went to the first Rite Aid on Monday and they were totally out of the TP/Facial Tissue that was free after UPRewards. I didn't make it to the other Rite Aid store until Sat afternoon and they had a whole shelf full of TP still! I was so happy!
CVS: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $12.37
Saved with Sales: $5.10

Had I not used a gift card, my out of pocket would have been $2.03.
The little coupon machine spit out a coupon for a free Snickers candy bar so that is why I purchased that. Gotta love those free coupons! I had more Extra Bucks to blow and since we needed windshield washer fluid again I decided to just get some with my Extra Bucks.
Giant: $15.99
Saved with Coupons: $16.50
Saved with Sales: $31.68

After all the free cereal I got at Rite Aid last week I'm wondering if I will need to buy cereal at all again this year! I'm being a bit dramatic, but we really aren't big cereal eaters but instead usually eat granola or grape-nuts. Actually though, I do like to have cereal on hand for guests and our son eats it sometimes too. We'll probably end up eating some of this for a quick lunch here and there and it'll be gone before I know it!
Aldi: $26.21
I found whole hams and ham chunks marked down and decided to buy them since they would freeze well. I love having a ham in the freezer for when we want to have guests over. It makes such an easy delicious meal. I also was excited to get a 3lb. bag of oranges for $1.29.
Amazon: $11.57
Saved with Coupons: $20.00
Saved with Discounts/Sales: $26.09
I bought a 120 ct. package of diapers using the Amazon gift card I got from Living Social. I also purchased two 648 count wipes packages for $1.57 after two $10 off coupons. (Someday I need to tell you how I got of my latest exciting ways to get coupons.) I was so excited since I was really needing diapers and wipes!
Misc.: $18.00
- for milk at a local farm
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