
Friday, July 8, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

I'm still behind on posting. This week has been a bit more normal but I feel like I am catching up on all the things I got behind on in my busyness. And yes, blogging is on my list of "catch-up things". But somehow making food, doing laundry and getting the house back in shape hit the list first.

Now to the purpose of this post. We are very blessed to have people share of their excess with us. I didn't take a picture but we got around 20 qt. of green beans given to us from some friends at church. They also gave us a couple of small zucchini. And my mother-in-law has been keeping us supplied with lots of beautiful fresh lettuce. We love all the fresh stuff and are always grateful for it. While I don't necessarily miss the work of a garden, I do miss the fresh produce it provides.

Total Spent: $90.19
Total Saved with Coupons: $38.14
Total Saved with Sales: $21.38
Total Saved: $59.52

Rite Aid
: $0 (used $0.38 cash for groceries)
Saved with Coupons: $7.66
Saved with Sales: $5.12

I had FREE product coupons for the Pringles.

CVS: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $18.49
Saved with Sales: $7.58

Stocking up on diapers and vanilla. A strange combo, don't you think?

Giant: $10.39
Saved with Coupons: $11.99
Saved with Sales: $8.68

I had a FREE product coupon for the Glade candle. The Scott items were part of a moneymaker deal that I did. And the cereal was part of a great deal where I got a catalina coupon for a free gallon of milk plus I only paid about $1/box for the cereal. The ice cream? My splurge of the week. :)

As I was getting this post together I noticed that the cashier missed my one $1 cereal coupon. Rather frustrating but not much I can do about it now. I always try to watch like a hawk when they are scanning my coupons because I've had this happen more times than I care too. But I was tired and in a hurry that night and I must have gotten lax. :)

Centerville: $50.50

I had a lot of stuff to stock up on at the bulk food store- this picture is only half of the stuff I bought. I forgot to photograph the other half. We had company and so went through 10lb. of potatoes...and well, I just needed other stuff too.

Wow, cheese prices are really going up! It galled me to pay over $2.50/lb- haven't paid that ever I don't think. But I guess it's still probably cheaper than most places.

Aldi: $20.67
- I guess I forgot to take a picture of this stuff.

Kauffman's Fruit Farm:
- This was for some apples and raw wheat germ.

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