
Friday, July 1, 2011

Monthly Spending Summary (May)

Okay, so this is a month late, but with all the busyness and not feeling well, I just didn't get this done last month. Plus, Blogger lost some of my info so I had to spend a bunch of time going through receipts etc. figuring stuff out. :( And honestly, that is part of the reason I put this off for so long.

I didn't spend much at all this month- just not a lot of deals and I really didn't need much so we lived off our stockpile and stuff that was in the freezer. It was good to get some things used up but I probably should do it another month yet!

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent: $45.71
Total Saved with Coupons/Sales: $265.12

Week 1: $6.76

Week 2: $25.25

Week 3: $13.70

Week 4: $0

Credits: $32.23

Ending Monthly Balance: $13.48
Balance Carried from Jan.-April: $173.80

Ending Annual Balance: $350.32
- In case you are confused, this is the amount I have left over for the year. This comes from being under budget in some previous months. So basically I am ahead by $350.32 for the year. No worries though, I will use this up fast when it comes time to can and freeze produce and fruit! In fact buying strawberries and blueberries in June have already eaten up a bunch of it!

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