
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Using Ham Broth- Can You Help?

I have a bunch of ham broth in the freezer from a ham I made several weeks ago. It's good rich broth and I know there has to be some good ways to use it but truth be told, I'm not sure how. I spent quite a bit of time looking for recipes on line and really didn't come up with much. So I thought I'd turn to you. What do you do with your leftover ham broth?


  1. Most people think this sounds gross, but ham gravy is really good on baked sweet potatoes. I'm a fan of the sweet/salty combination - maybe that's why I like it so much.

  2. The only thing I can think of to use it for is gravy. It would make really delicious gravy!

  3. Definitely gravy! I add cooking wine or sherry. YUM!

  4. It would also make very yummy soup. Use it instead of chicken or beef broth.

  5. Thanks for all the suggestions...keep them coming! :)

    Rachel, Michelle and Rachal, I had considered the gravy idea but we just aren't big gravy eaters. In fact, I think I've made it maybe twice the 4 1/2 yrs. we've been married! That is other than chicken or sausage gravy for pancakes. But maybe I should make mashed potatoes and have them with ham gravy. It does actually really sound good. And Rachel, gravy on sweet potatoes...hmmm...I'll think about that one. I love salty and sweet too.

    Cheryl, thanks for that suggestion. I was wondering if that would work and actually last night I nearly substituted ham broth for chicken broth in a soup and then was scared it might be too strong. But I'm going to have to try it!

  6. Ham broth is great for cooking beans of any kind! Add onion, garlic, pepper--canned tomatoes, if you like. Add meat--ham, of course, but chicken would be great, too. Serve with rice or, my favorite, corn bread, and a green salad.

  7. My husband would say "ham and bean soup"! I don't like it myself but maybe you all do!

  8. Let us know how you used it. I am curious. You may want to go half and half with chicken stock or water since it's salty. I recently added some pork stock to chili. Your ham broth might even be tasty in biscuits or corn bread as a water/milk substitute.

  9. I'll try to do that, let you know that is. I like the idea of half and half with chicken stock. I just was a little worried that the ham broth alone would be too strong. And yeah, salty too. are creative. Ham broth in breads? Sounds kind of good!

  10. I have several potato chowder/soup recipes that you use ham broth and water in. I have made it without, but it really is tastier with it. Even if you don't have much ham (or any ham at all) you still have the flavor that really makes the soup EXCELLANT! Sherilyn

  11. Sherilyn, maybe I should get those soup recipes from you? :) I guess I could probably just add the ham broth to some of the soups I make instead of water and like you said, I could maybe even cut back on the ham since the flavor would still be there. Good idea!


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