
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Book Review: The Treasure Principle

I have to say that this was one of the best books I read about finances. I would say it is the best, but I really feel like in order to follow The Treasure Principle you need to understand how to manage your money to a certain extent.

This book was quite different than what I was expecting, but in a good way. The Treasure Principle is not a book that is so much about managing your money but is about giving generously according to biblical principles and experiencing the joy that comes along with that.

Alcorn's basic premise is that all we have is God's anyway and so instead of amassing wealth, why not give that money to good causes that can further the kingdom of God, which is of eternal value. He gives six principles throughout the book and the last one is this: God prospers me not to raise my standard of living but to raise my standard of giving. Not exactly the American mentality is it? And not exactly most North American Christian's mentality either.

I think though that The Treasure Principle is the perfect compliment to Dave Ramsey's teaching. While I enjoy Ramsey's books, one thing that always bothers me is his amassing wealth mentality. True, he touches on giving but his mantra is "Live like no one else so you can live like no one else". It always strikes me as being rather self-centered, however I like his basic principles. Combine The Treasure Principle with Ramsey and you get what I think is a perfect combo: Ramsey gives you the tips for staying out of debt and Alcorn gives you the principles for joyful giving.

I'll admit, when I began this book I felt like we were giving quite generously; after all, we give more than the typical Christian tithe of 10%. But as I read The Treasure Principle I began to realize that we could and probably should be giving even more. Reading this book challenged me in very good ways!

I thoroughly enjoyed The Treasure Principle and highly recommend this easy-to-read 120 page book. I'd give it a 5 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of The Treasure Principle for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review, however all opinions are mine.


  1. I have not read the book...but have heard a lot about it and wanted an overview to get a picture of it. I must also say that I have taken part in Dave Ramsey's FPU. Yes, Dave says to "live like no other so you can live like no other"...but the last part of his book reminds all of us that the entire point of "amassing waelth" as you to be able to GIVE LIKE NO OTHER". Without that all the wealth in the world is nothing. He states that clearly. I look forward to using the principles of the Alcorn book...remember to see past the amassing of wealth to the true goal of Ramsey's teaching. Thank you Ginger Phillips

  2. Ginger thank you for your comment! I never attended Dave's FPU but I have read some of his books. I know he says to give like no other but that felt like just a very small part of his focus and not his total mentality. But maybe it was just how I (and my husband) took it. Perhaps if we took part in FPU we would get a different impression. At any rate, I know his teaching has benefited and blessed many people and I don't want to bash him. Thanks for pointing out his focus on giving as well. Blessings as you continue to learn what it means to be a good steward of the gifts God's given you!


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