
Monday, March 28, 2011


For some time I've been considering what I wanted to do with my blog. I love blogging, but it does take up a lot of my time and I've been battling that whole issue.

I'm not going to stop blogging, but you will see some changes. Starting this week I will no longer post freebies or coupons- or if I do it will be very rare. I plan to still do my Tasty Tuesday, Weekly Spending Summary, and You Might Enjoy posts. And I hope to do more "meaty" posts about how to lower your expenses and probably some posts with money saving tips as well. I'm guessing that I'll do one or two of those posts a week. And along the way I'll include other hopefully interesting things too.

My decision comes based on several things. For one thing I want to be able to give myself more fully to my family and to those who I'm in real life relationships with. As much as I enjoy blogging, it is not worth it if I am not able to care well for my dear husband, little boy and others that God has placed in my life. I want to live my life with no regrets and I've got this nagging feeling that if I don't stop putting so much time into blogging I'm going to look back in a couple of years and wish that I would have spent more time with those that I love.

I also am finding this time of grieving to be exhausting. I never knew that grief would be so draining physically and emotionally. In the last couple of weeks I have felt extremely exhausted and I knew something had to change. I really sensed God was asking me to consider giving up my blogging time, even though it is something I enjoy a lot. I'm hoping that by not spending as much time blogging I'll have more time for personal things. Things that help me work through this grief and also projects and activities that help me grow as a lady.

Thanks for reading my blog! As always I'd love to have your input so feel free to leave a comment or email me. I take your input seriously and try to use it to improve my blogging style and content.

Oh and if you don't feel like always having to come here and see if I've updated, may I recommend that you simply subscribe to my posts via email or a blog reader? It's really quite simple, just look at the top left-hand side of my blog.

Have a great week...and remember, I'll still be here, just not quite as much as usual. :)


  1. Bless you, I'm sure this was a hard decision. But the right one. {Hugs} to you as you 'let go' a little and tend to more important things.

    Yes, grieving is exhausting... I appreciate your honesty and openness as you grieve your loss of your little Eleni angel.

  2. I enjoy your blog and have learned so much from reading it.Thanks for the time you put into it!Praying for you,Lydia!

  3. Since I know how it is to blog, I totally understand and respect your decision to slow down! You have to do what's right for you and your family! It's amazing how "free" I feel this week since I stopped!

    Prayers to you Lydia!

  4. Thanks ladies! Your encouragement and understanding is such a blessing! I'm already enjoying the "freedom" and feel more at peace and less harried.

  5. Just wanted to let you know I'm so encouraged by you, Lydia, and your desire to put first things first! It is good to be wise stewards of money & time, and it's up to us to know how to do that for what works for us & our family. I'll miss your frequent posts, but I'll survive, and I'm sure you'll be better for not. :-)


  6. Dear Lydia, this is my first time looking at your site. I am one of those Krazy coupon ladies, trying to stretch a tight SSI budget, so I visit mutiple websites hunting for the deals. I came acrossed your website, and read about your decision to spend more time with family, and less time blogging.
    I am the mother of 3 wonderful grown children, and I have 5 grandchildren. My oldest daughter is 40, my son 33, and the baby of the family a girl is now 31. I myself am 59. I look back at how quickly life has passed. The last 30 years seems like a blink of an eye!! Your decision to spend more time with family is the right one. I love my children to pieces,and I love spending as much time with them as their busy lives will allow for, but those childhood years are so precious. You made the right choice to spend less time blogging and more time for family!! It's truly the investment that pays back more than a dollar saved on couponing!!! God bless you richly, Rev. Charlene Poehler


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