
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Take a Couple of Seconds and Help a Fellow Couponer

A friend, Eunice B., that I met through blogging emailed me this morning and asked if I'd be willing to post this on my blog. I'd love to be able to help her out and I'm sure some of you would be too. After all, it only takes a couple of seconds to click on the link below and vote. Hope you win Eunice!

UGH! I'm like most people...I don't like to ask for things, but sometimes it's a good thing. This just might be one of those times. Our grill died. It's served us more than faithfully the past 8+ yrs, but now it's gone. We've been searching for several months, and just last week, we decided on one. After thinking about it some more, we were ready to place the order online this evening. We got as far as placing it in our cart, and then we stopped. I asked if we should wait a few more days. Not sure why, but sure no problem, we've been waiting this long.

Fast forward to 4 hrs later....I'm browsing a few blogs and came across one that's giving away a grill...not just any grill, but the next step up from the cheaper version we were going to buy. There is a contest until Aug 2, 9:00 PM EST, and you can vote once per household. Anyway, here is my shameless plug...would you vote for us? Competition is stiff, and I don't like to beg, but this would be such a blessing....that's putting it mildly at this stage of our lives! For those of you that don't know us personally, we've been asked, along with 6 other families to move to Maine to help with a church plant next month. More than a few uncertainties, but God is faithful!

Thanks for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Lydia! You've been such a blessing and encouragement to us, and this is being added to it all! Thanks again! :-)

    ~Eunice B


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