
Friday, July 30, 2010

Of Hoarding and Giving Away

Earlier this week a friend shared all of the above produce with me. I was so excited to have fresh produce that was not only beautiful and organic but also free (you know how expensive peppers can be!). This same friend has often shared of her garden bounty with me since she knows we don't have room for a garden here on our little city plot. And a couple of times she even picked a whole bunch of her extra green beans for me so that I could freeze them. I have just been so blessed by this busy mom of three's generous spirit.

After she left our place Wed. night I was wishing I could have blessed her more than just giving her the leftover cake that we had served for our snack. And suddenly I wondered why in the world I never before thought of sharing with her some of my coupon freebie stockpile.

You know, we couponers, at least those of us that are "serious" couponers, usually have a large stockpile of toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes etc. How generous are we with the extra we've been blessed with? No, I don't have garden produce that I can share with others, but I do have lots of freebies that I've scored with coupons.

I do frequently give of my "overstock". But my temptation still is to hoard just in case there are no more sales or coupons. I mean, what if I actually had to pay $0.50 for toothpaste?! Seriously, I was convicted of how stingy I can still be and I was challenged to give more freely.

How about you? Have you been finding joy in sharing from your stockpile? What are some of your favorite ways to bless others with your "overstock"? I'd love to learn some more creative ways to give that stuff away!


  1. We have a box full of extra food, personal hygiene items, etc, and both of our families know it's coming to any family dinner...that's when they do their shopping. :-) Also, we love to take a variety of items as hostess gifts or when we stay overnight with friends! It's so fun to share our blessings with others!

    ~Eunice B

  2. Such a good reminder that we all have something to contribute to the body of Christ! It is so easy to fall into the independent self-sufficient (really selfish) mind-set. I've quit couponing (not that I ever was into it seriously like you.) But God has given me much that I could be sharing. Thanks for the challenge!

  3. I love giving people stuff out of my stockpile! My brother and his wife are both in college right now so for the last year I've been keeping them supplied in razors, shampoo, bodywash and occassionally food items. My sister also got married several months ago and I was able to give her 3 grocery bags full of stuff. I figured it up and I only had around $5 in all that stuff. Now both my sister and SIL have started shopping at CVS and Rite Aid so I won't need to give them stuff anymore. Which means I need to find somebody else to give stuff to because who really needs 20 bottles of shampoo and body wash? I suppose I should quit buying stuff like that but if it's free I can't leave it there. ;)

  4. I find I'm often giving to family...which is absolutely right and good. But I really think I need to expand my circle a bit.

    Eunice, the hostess gift idea is one that I've considered but I've always been worried that the people might be "brand snobs" and not appreciate it. Maybe I'm worrying too much?

    Gina, you are welcome. You often challenge me with your honesty on your blog.

    Michelle, that is amazing! $5 for all that stuff and look at all the fun you had giving it away! I know what you mean about you can't leave free stuff there. I find I can sometimes pass up free but if I make money on it? Well, then I am a sucker.


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