
Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekly Spending Summary

Well, I had $20.80 left to spend for the month and ended up going over that by just a little. I was pretty happy with what all I was able to get this week though! And I think I should easily be under budget once I do my monthly spending summary and figure in all the rain checks I received. So stay tuned for that!

Total Spent:
Total Saved with Coupons: $74.81
Total Saved with Sales: $21.23
Total Saved: $96.05

Saved with Coupons: $1.00
Saved with Sales: $0.69

$0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $14.79
Saved with Sales: $7.54

Freebies: Huggies Wipes, Fig Newtons, Wheat Thins (and the rest after Extra Bucks)

This was a fun week at CVS! It's been a while since I was able to get such good deals there. I used $4 in Extra Bucks and got $7 back.

Saved with Coupons: $19.34

Freebies: Blue Bunny, McCormick, Bic Comfort Razors, Schick Razors

I missed putting my favorite buy on the picture- two Blue Bunny ice cream cookies. You know how I love ice cream, so I was pretty excited to get them for free. Oh, and all those little round gumball looking containers? Well, they have nylons in them- $0.33/a pr. I thought about after I took the picture that they actually get deducted from our clothing budget, so I didn't include them in the above total.

Rite Aid: $2.79
Saved with Coupons: $39.68
Saved with Sales: $13.00

Freebies: Sun Chips, TGIFridays, Stayfree and the rest after rebates

I did a more thorough breakdown of my Rite Aid purchase here. As you can see, it was a REALLY good week for me at my favorite store! Oh, I should let you know that I will get back $20.69 in rebates from this purchase, which means I made $17.90 by buying this stuff! I love getting paid to shop!

Centerville Bulk Food: $13.30

How was your week? Were you able to stay within your budget for the month of April?


  1. April was pretty good for me as far as staying under budget.
    -Those nylons made me smile. :)
    -I am loving those Wheatable crackers. :)

  2. Yeah, I was needing nylons very badly! And I'm with you on the Wheatable crackers. We LOVE them.


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