
Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Rite Aid Deals and a Deal Breakdown

I know that some of you have wished that I would help you see how I get all these great deals. You wanted to know exactly how it works. Well, this week I got some absolutely amazing deals at Rite Aid; in fact I actually made $17.90 just by shopping there. So I thought I'd show you the exact breakdown of how I did this- hopefully it won't get too confusing.

I bought all of this stuff in three transactions. Here's the breakdown:

Trans. #1
(forgot to take a picture!)

Sunchips- $2.79
TGIFridays Potato Skins- $2.19 (had rain check which made them $0.99)

Coupons used:
- Free product coupon for the Sunchips making them free
- $1.50 coupon for TGIFridays which the cashier reduced to $0.99 since they don't allow coupon overage

Trans. #1 Total: $0


Trans. #2

3 Aveeno Lotions- $3.14 each ($9.42)
Sure Deodorant- $2.69
Stayfree- $1.99
2 Ban Deodorants- Buy One Get One 50% Off ($5.23)

Coupons Used:
- $5/$20 Purchase (from Rite Aid Video Values)
- total is counted before coupons
- 3 $2/1 Aveeno in-ad coupons
- my store lets me use multiple in-ad coupons, some stores don't
- 2 $1/1 Aveeno printable coupons
- $1 Sure coupon from coupon inserts
- $2 Stayfree coupon from coupon inserts
- $0.75 Ban printable coupon
- $0.40 Ban coupon from coupon inserts

Trans. #2 Total: $2.32

Total Amount Submited for Rebate: $7.69
Rebate Breakdown:
- Aveeno = $5 SCR (Single Check Rebate, Rite Aid's rebate program)
- Sure = $2.69 Free After Mail-In Rebate
(the link to the rebate is not working right now; I sent an email inquiry about it to the manufacturer)

Money Maker of $5.37!!


Trans. #3

2 Ban Deodorants- Buy One Get One 50% Off ($5.23)
2 Reach Toothbrushes- $3 each ($6.00)
Listerine- $3.00
Dove Bar- $0.50 (bought as "filler"- see below)
Car- $4.49 (bought as "filler")

Coupons Used:
- $5/$20 Video Values Coupon
- Buy One Get One Free Reach Coupon from inserts ($3.00)
- $1 Reach Coupon from inserts
- 2 $1 Oral Care Rite Aid coupons that printed on previous Rite Aid receipt
- $5 Listerine/Reach coupon (good when you bought 3 items) from magazine
- $1 Ban coupon from inserts
- $0.75 Ban printable coupon

Trans. #3 Total: $0.47

Total Rebate Amount: $13.00
Rebate Breakdown:
- Reach= $3 SCR
- Ban= $10 SCR (the 2 deodorants purchased in trans. #2 went towards this as well)

Money Maker of $12.53!!
I hope you could follow all of that. I struggled knowing how to put it in a format that would be easy to follow and also informative as well.

On a little bit of a different note, here are a couple of tips for doing these kind of deals:

* Split your purchases into multiple transactions so you can use two or even three $5/$20 or $5/$25 Rite Aid coupons.
* If you have $15 worth of stuff go ahead and buy another $5 of "filler" items so you can use the $5/$20 coupon. That is why I bought the Dove bar and the little car.
* Match store and manufacture coupons to save the most money. Rite Aid has lots of store coupons and you can use one store and one manufacturer coupon on the same item. This helps save me a lot!
* Get rebates for items that the store is out of- even if the item is a rebate item. Rite Aid is really good about rain checks and even if the item has a SCR you can still get a rain check and get the rebate. Simple submit your receipt as usual for the SCR program. Once your receipt is visible, call the customer service # and explain that you bought a rebate item on a rain check. They'll then send you out a check for the rebate amount.

Do you still have questions? What else would you find helpful to know? What did you learn from this post? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. I have a question? How did they let you use the 2 manufacture's Reach coupons plus the $5/3 Reach/Listerine manufacture's coupon? The second and third items (toothbrushes) for the $5 coupon already had manufacture's coupons deducted.....

  2. Rachal- In my experience you can use those kinds of coupons since the 3rd item (the Listerine) didn't have any other coupon. Maybe that is not legitimate/ethical? Never really thought about it and I've never had issued doing it as far as I can remember. You've got me thinking now.


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