
Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Spending Summary

It was kind of an average week-- I spent a little under budget and was able to get some decent deals.

I was sure I took pictures of all my purchases but I simply can't figure out what happened to a couple of them. So you'll just have to imagine.

Total Spent:

: $0

I wasn't even going to go to CVS this week since the deals were pretty much nonexistent. Then I realized I had around $10 in Extra Bucks expiring so I decided to stop by anyway.

I paid for this with a CVS gift card that we got from a cash back plan with our Discover card, otherwise I would have spent $3.41. I used $20.99 in Extra Bucks and got $24 back, so I made $3.01.

Weis: $8.59

I don't often buy roast, but it was on sale this week for 1.69/lb. so I caved. While I was there, I scanned the meat department for reduced items and found some pork chops reduced to $1.56/lb. so I decided to get those too for a bit of variety.

Save-A-Lot: $5.83

I was making whoopie pies with a friend and we ran out of powdered sugar, so I did a quick Save-A-Lot run. While I was there I grabbed a few other things that I had coupons for as well.

Walmart: $14.05

: $1.34

I also got another block of cheese.

Rite Aid: $3.21

Will get $4 back from Rite Aid in rebates for the Prell which I bought with a rain check, which means I made $0.79.

Misc. : $2.50

Bought some potatoes at a roadside stand.

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