
Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

Finally after weeks of spending too much, I had a week where my out of pocket was incredibly low even though I actually did purchase quite a bit.

I bought some fresh fruit and other things at the bulk food store this week, however I didn't list that below because I used grocery money cash to pay or it.

Total Spent:
Total Saved with Coupons: $87.84
Total Saved with Sales: $19.05
Total Saved: $106.89

$0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $16.98
Saved with Sales: $1.20

Had I not used a gift card to purchase this I would have paid $0.82 out of pocket. I had a $3/$15 Baby Care purchase coupon that excluded diapers so I used it to get nursing pads. The Dawn was bought with a rain check. I've been getting rather frustrated because it seems like CVS is out of stock on so many sale items recently. I ended up having to get a bunch of rain checks once again this week. :(

: $5.82
Saved with Coupons: $7.19
Saved with Sales: $2.49

I charged $2.54 of my bill to a Visa gift card that I received as part of a Kellogg's promotion. So actually my bill was a bit more than the $5.82

Rite Aid: $0 (spare change)
Saved with Coupons: $57.75
Saved with Sales: $14.20

I had two $20 UPRewards that I used to pay for these things. The Prevacid was a rain check item from last week (and should be a moneymaker after a mail-in rebate) and the GUM Perio-Balance was a $5 moneymaker after coupons (the only reason I bought it!). I also purchased a package of Pampers wipes that is not pictured. I got it free after a FREE product coupon. Was fun to have a really good week at Rite Aid again!

Walmart: $0 (Visa gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $3.00

I have a couple of Visa gift cards that I earned as part of a cereal rebate that I used to pay for this purchase. Had I not used that, my out of pocket would have been $5.24.

Target: $2.38
Saved with Coupons: $2.92
Saved with Sales: $1.16

I was excited to finally find a store that carried the small bottles of Simply Orange for less than $1! I had $1 coupons that were close to expiring and since I was in Target for some other things I decided to check and see what they had them priced at. I also noticed that eggs there were only $1.19/doz. Aldi's price right now is $1.50 so I was happy to find some that cheap!

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