
Friday, August 5, 2011

You Might Enjoy...

It's been a long time since I did one of these post and since I have been extremely busy this week and have not really had time to post much I thought it might be just the time to do a You Might Enjoy post. Have a lovely weekend!

* A Reminder to Cherish Your Children
- I don't know about you, but I needed this reminder. I've been so busy lately and it's just too easy to see Logan as an interruption to my schedule. Sigh. I love that little boy dearly and he is NOT an interruption but a huge blessing to our lives. But I need serious help some days to remember that!

* 8 Tips for Clutter-free Counters
- One sentence: I wish my counters looked like that picture! :)

* A Neat Cake Decorating Method
- Loved this way of decorating a cake. I only wonder if I could actually pull it off!

* Walking in God's Economy
- I thought this was a good, worthwhile read. And I needed to be challenged again to remember that what I have I am simply a steward is all really God's. Read Jen's post, I'm sure you'll be challenged!


  1. Aww! Thanks for featuring my cake! :) And yes, I'm sure you could do it!

    That clutter-free counter? Yeah! I wish mine looked like that too! :) Thanks for the inspiration to try harder.

  2. I always enjoy your reading suggestions! Thanks for linking to mine! Now I'm off to do some reading!


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