
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

Well, this is the vacation addition. I had hoped to be able to type a big $0 here but unfortunately soon after we got home, we realized that we had forgotten to stop and get milk at the farm we get it from. And so, Vince had to run to Giant and get a gallon to hold us over. Still, it was fun to have a week of very little spending. And amazingly I had absolutely no Extra Bucks or UpRewards that were close to expiring so I didn't even have to worry about setting foot in one store!

Total Spent: $4.03
This was for a gallon of milk at Giant.


  1. $4 for a gallon of milk? Yikes! Around here you can typically get it for $2.50. (I'm lucky and get it from the Amish neighbors for $1.50)

  2. Yeah, Michelle, and that is actually only 2% milk! I about had a fit. We had to buy milk at a store about 2 mo. ago and it was around $3.50 then. Yeah, it definitely makes me more grateful for the $1.50 milk we get from a local Amish man too!!


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