
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monthly Spending Summary (July)

Another bigger month of spending, mostly due to buying peaches and subscribing to the Sunday paper. I'm pretty sure that my expense for the newspaper subscription should pay for itself through the coupon savings I'll have, but I still hated to lay out the money for it!

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent:
Total Saved with Coupons/Sales: $206.80

Week 1: $11.80
Week 2: $54.27
Week 3: $15.65
Week 4: $56.53

Other Expenses: $93.61
- $45.76 of this was for a years subscription to our local Sunday paper. This is the first I've ever actually paid to subscribe to the Sunday paper but my one source of getting it free is no longer available, so I needed to do something! The rest was for 1 1/2 bu. of peaches that I froze to enjoy the rest of the year.

Credits: $88.00
- This was for some rebates that I did.

Ending Monthly Balance: $46.14
Balance carried from Jan.-June: $95.15

Ending Annual Balance: $141.29
- In case you are confused, this is the amount I have left over for the year. This comes from being under budget in some previous months. So basically I am ahead by $141.29 for the year. This doesn't make me feel too great because I still have apples, some more peaches and tomatoes to buy to can/freeze. I guess I'll have to see if I can be really under budget for the month of August! :)

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