
Monday, December 26, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

I did more shopping this week than I had expected to but I still think I'll be able to stay under budget for the month/year. My favorite deal this week was the $0.50 Dole canned fruit at Giant. We use mandarin oranges a lot in lettuce salads and this is quite a bit cheaper than what I pay for them at Aldi!

Total Spent: $39.22
Total Saved with Coupons: $38.52
Total Saved with Sales: $24.70
Total Saved: $63.22

$0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $2.75
Saved with Sales: $1.20

I had a gift card that I had earned through a previous deal at CVS that I used to pay for this purchase. Otherwise my out of pocket would have been $4.23. The Fiber One bars were a rain check item from the Black Friday sale. Don't they look good? Not that I need more calories right now! :)

Rite Aid: $3.10
Saved with Coupons: $14.00
Saved with Sales: $12.13

Actually, I also purchased a package of Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies to give to Logan's Sunday School teacher and I didn't think to include them on the picture.

Giant: $24.56
Saved with Coupons: $21.77
Saved with Sales: $11.37

Loved stocking up on canned fruit for $0.50/can this week! I also used several FREE product coupons that I had that were expiring 12/31/11. I got the Heluva cheese, Wholly salsa and Treasure Cave feta cheese free that way.

I ended up doing a second Giant trip because my dear hubby was wishing for hot apple cider mix to drink over Christmas. So since we have a Giant just 4 blocks away I decided to do a quick run and get that along with some more Dole fruit.

I also bought 2 large packages of paper plates to take to our family Christmas get together. I failed to remember to add them to the picture. :(

Aldi: $11.56
Just a few things that I needed...

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