
Monday, December 5, 2011

Monthly Spending Summary (Oct.)

Oh my. I was working on my November Spending Summary and realized that I never had posted my October one! I had it all typed up and everything but it was still sitting in my drafts. So here you go, rather late. And you'll see that I was horribly over budget. Not good.

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget:

Total Spent: $123.15
Total Saved with Coupons/Sales: $330.18

Week 1: $72.01 89.31
Week 2: $5.88 49.24
Week 3: $25.26 135.35
Week 4: $20.00 56.28

Other Expenses: $186.00
This was for 24 lb. butter, $67 worth of meat and some misc. grocery purchases that I used cash for.

Credits: $40.74
This was a $5.75 Saving Star credit as well as Rite Aid Rebates.

Ending Monthly Balance: $268.41
Balance Carried from Jan.-Sept.: -$59.17

Ending Annual Balance: -$137.58
- In case you are confused, this is the amount I have left over for the year. So actually, I am over budget by $137.58 for the year.

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