
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Monthly Spending Summary (Nov.)

Whew! I managed to dig myself out of my grocery budget hole at least a little bit this month! And I'm feeling good about that. Now if I can only not spend much this month, I just might be able to end the year in the black! We shall see.

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent: $228.52
Total Saved with Coupons/Sales: $525.66

Week 1: $55.96
Week 2: $71.46
Week 3: $37.88
Week 4: $30.80
Week 5: $32.42

Credit: $84.69
This was for a number of things including a bunch of rebates and a return to Giant for some stuff that didn't ring up correctly.

Ending Monthly Balance: $143.83
Balance Carried from Jan.-Oct.: - $137.58

Ending Annual Balance: - $91.41
- In case you are confused, this is the amount I have left over for the year. So actually, I am over budget by $91.41 for the year.

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