
Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

Good news- I got another camera! And I LOVE it. But I only got it on Friday so there are only a couple of pictures in this post. But hopefully from now on we'll be back to normal.

This was a fairly low spending week, which is a good thing since I don't have much left to spend this month. I'm really trying to do better at keeping track of where I am since I'm a little over budget for the year and I realized I was getting a little lax with watching my spending.

Total Spent:
Total Saved with Coupons: $57.50
Total Saved with Sales: $32.38
Total Saved: $89.88

Rite Aid:
Saved with Coupons: $1.00
Saved with Sales: $1.29

This was a bit of a frustrating trip. I have a bunch of rain checks so I decided to go to the Rite Aid store downtown instead of my usual store since they tend to have things in stock more often. But unfortunately, they were out of stock on everything as well. And I discovered that they get a truck on Tues. (I shopped on Mon.) so if I had only waited a day I could have probably gotten most of my items. Then at the register the cashier got talking to me about my pregnancy and I totally forgot about using UPRewards to pay! Oh well, I will use them up another time, still I wish I would have remembered.

Crest toothpaste $2.99
Orbit gum: $1.00

Coupons Used:
- $0.25 Rite Aid Video Values for Orbit
- $0.75 Crest

Got Back:
$2.99 Rite Aid Single Check Rebate (for Crest)
$1.00 UPReward good on next purchase (from Orbit)

So this was actually a moneymaker of $0.65!

CVS: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $34.50
Saved with Sales: $12.97

Had I not used a gift card for this purchase I would have spent $0.39.

2 Pampers @ $9.50 ea.
Purex detergent $1.99
Jif Peanut Butter $2.50 (bought with rain check)
Schick Quatro razor $8.99 (bought with rain check)
Gillette Fusion shaving gel $2.37

Coupons Used:
- $2/2 Pampers
- FREE ($9.50) Pampers CVS coupon (when you buy 6 packages you get a coupon for a free pack)
- $1 Purex
- $5 Schick
- $1 Gillette
- $16 Extra Bucks

Got Back:
$2 Extra Bucks (for Pampers purchase)
$3 Extra Bucks (for JIF purchase)
$4 Extra Bucks (for Schick purchase)
$2 Extra Bucks (for Gillette purchase)
$1 Extra Bucks (for using my own bag and scanning Green Bag tag)

Giant: $30.55
Saved with Coupons: $22.00
Saved with Sales: $18.12

Well, once again I spent more at Giant than I had originally thought I would. What are you to do when you have coupons expiring, there are sales on those exact items and you can get them for a really good price even if you don't need them RIGHT now. But it's items you use all the time? And what about if you realize that if you spend $3 more (than your normal buy price) on a couple of items that you use everyday that you can get a free 20 lb. turkey? Well, those were my dilemmas. So I decided to go for it.

4 Gold Medal Flours @ $2.50 ea.
2 5lb. potatoes @ $3.99 total
6 Breakstone's Sour Cream @ $1.66 ea.
2 Cool Whip @ $1.00 ea.
3 Domino's Brown Sugar 2lb. @ $1.89 ea.
1 Domino Confectioner's Sugar 2lb. @ $1.89
2 Kraft Cream Cheese @ $1.50 ea.
4 Kraft Shredded Cheese 8 oz. $3.00
1 Cracker Barrel Shredded Cheese 8 oz. $3.00
Coupons Used:
- 4 $0.50 Gold Medal (doubled to $1.00)
- 3 $1/2 Breakstone's
- 2 $0.75 Cool Whip (doubled to $1.00)
- 4 $0.50 Domino's (doubled to $1.00)
- 4 $1.50 Kraft Shredded Cheese
- 1 Free Product ($3.00) Cracker Barrel

Will Get Back:
Free 20lb. TurkeyLink$0.70 on Gold Medal flour via Endorse

Sharp Shopper: $0.99
I had to run into this store to get some things for someone else and decided to grab a bottle of 100% OJ while there. I love that I can almost always find OJ for less than $1.00 at Sharp Shopper.

Misc.: $3.00
I used a credit I had and bought a Double Take Deal for A Loaf of Bread, a local bread store. And let me tell you, that was some delicious bread! (I also bought a small cookie but it was consumed before I got the picture taken.) :)

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