
Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

A week with a bit more spending again. And another week with a picture-less post. :(

Total Spent:
Total Saved with Coupons: $33.22
Total Saved with Sales: $14.25
Total Saved: $47.47

Saved with Coupons: $7.48
Saved with Sales: $4.49

I bought two Listerine's, Puffs tissues, and a coffee drink (which I had a free coupon for).

Rite Aid:
Saved with Coupons: $25.74
Saved with Sales: $9.76

Actually my total was $0.02 but the cashier said she'd just use some spare change she had at the register to pay that. :) I bought some gum, cough drops, Kashi cereal, kid's cold medication and two kinds of aspirin. (Later I realized that the cashier hadn't done my rain checks properly and I actually was overcharged around $0.40, but I figure it's not worth running back to the store for that!)

Aldi: $31.51

I bought a bunch of things including sour cream, coconut, beans, corn chips and more.

Misc.: $24.45
- Bought 5 lbs. of cheese and also got out cash for produce and things at the bulk food store.

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