
Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

Just another average smaverage week of grocery shopping.... Oh and this is for the week of 7/3-7/9. I tried to do this post last week but for some reason the pictures wouldn't load.

Total Spent: $11.80
Total Saved with Coupons: $61.34
Total Saved with Sales: $29.78
Total Saved: $91.12

Rite Aid
: $0.66
Saved with Coupons: $32.38
Saved with Sales: $11.19

I had a rain check for the Gillette...the rest of the stuff were just great deals.

CVS: $0
Saved with Coupons: $9.18
Saved with Sales: $0

I keep having issued with my CVS card. Occasionally there will be fluky things that happen and this week my fluky thing was that nothing rang up on sale. Unfortunately I didn't see it until I got home. So I'll have to have them make it right next week. That is why my savings with sales is at $0.

The Pringles and the Hershey's were free with coupons from the little CVS coupon machine. Be sure to always scan your Extra Care card when you go to CVS- you'll often get some great coupons from that little machine!

Giant: $9.75
Saved with Sales: $19.78
Saved with Coupons: $18.59

I actually somehow missed putting 2 boxes of cereal on this picture.

Did a cereal deal where you got a catalina coupon for a free gallon of milk when you bought 4 Kelllogg's cereals as well as $6 off your purchase instantly. We don't eat much cereal but I like to have it on hand for guests and also for the random times we want something different for breakfast. At $0.50-$0.60/box (after deducting the cost of milk) I figure it's a good stock up time!

Misc.: $1.39
- Bought a 9 volt battery at Christmas Tree Shops. Love that store!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really save with the coupons. I'm impressed! Another great way to save money on things you need (can't do it with cereal but certainly can with clothing, household items, etc.) is to barter. Bartering is also a great way to pay for services--like trading a haircut for a piano lesson. I wrote a wikihow article I think your readers would like on bartering, check it out at


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