
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

Not much to say about my spending this week...just a normal week really.

Total Spent: $24.15
Total Saved with Coupons: $54.49
Total Saved with Sales: $32.47
Total Saved: $86.96

$0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $26.00
Saved with Sales: $19.57

Rite Aid: $3.30
Saved with Coupons: $27.49
Saved with Sales: $10.03

Giant: $4.50
Saved with Coupons: $1.00
Saved with Sales: $2.87

No, I didn't buy the one bottle of dressing half used. I just didn't have time to shoot this picture until I had already used part of it. As you'll read below, I didn't plan ahead to well and so I had to pay almost full price for these items. That's just life sometimes.

Aldi: $16.35

I bought some unexpected items because I had to take some food to our church fellowship dinner and I also wanted to make an awesome taco salad (I really should post the recipe) for Vince's birthday meal and I hadn't planned ahead at all. :)

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