
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Logan helping fold washcloths

Oh my. I never planned to take a blogging break, but I guess I kind of just did, didn't I? Life has been wild around here the last couple of weeks. We've had Summer Bible School (which we were in charge of), 2 sets of overnight guests, a bunch of green beans (I got 14 1/2 qt.) to put in the freezer and all sorts of other things. I kept thinking I'd get a post or two done but simply had no extra time. And so this blog just was kind of quiet.

And on top of all the busyness I wasn't feeling just amazing either. Those of you that know me in real life know this already, but we are excited about welcoming another little person to our family in December. Yes, I'm pregnant! I'm starting to feel better but the last number of weeks have been a bit of a drag with being extremely tired and feeling kind of yucky too. I'm glad that seems to be a thing of the past.

While we are excited, after losing our newborn daughter almost 8 months ago, we also feel some trepidation. Eleni's condition was a rare thing (it occurs in 1 in 60,000 births) so we really have no reason to worry about it happening again. But we are just much more aware that something could go wrong. And so we are constantly having to consciously choose to trust God and rest in Him. However, it's comforting to know that if something happens again, God will walk with us then just like he has the past 8 months. We won't be alone and we'll have His grace to help us get through it.

So that is what's been happening around here. I hope to get a couple of posts up in the next several days, but I have more green beans coming, possibly some blueberries too and we are looking forward to having some family come spend the weekend with us as well. So, it doesn't look like life will be slowing down.

Blessings to each of you!

"Working" at popping bubble wrap while I did green beans :)


  1. Congratulations! I'm due in November . . . life will be busy for us both. :)

  2. Oh Kathy, that is awesome! I have a feeling you will be busier than I though since your little one is younger than Logan. Hope the months fly by for you!

  3. Congratulations! I was so hoping that the Lord would bless you with another precious life to love! But I know that the next months will be a challenge as you seek to trust God fully!

  4. Congratulations!!! I will be keeping you and your baby in my prayers!!!

  5. Thinking of you & praying...! I missed your blogging but know you are busy...Susan


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