
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

Okay, I don't know if I've ever not spent anything in a week before. I guess technically I did spent $0.05! :) And more if you don't count using a gift card. Anyway, it's kind of fun to see that $0. And just in case you are wondering, no we are not starving. I have so much stuff in our cupboards and freezer that I have plenty of ingredients to make all sorts of things even though I haven't done just lots of shopping lately. That's one of the benefits of using coupons! And the lack of sales and the lack of my motivation is helping me get some stuff used up.

Total Spent: $0
Total Saved with Coupons: $43.00
Total Saved with Sales: $8.65
Total Saved: $51.65

Rite Aid: $0 ($0.05 spare change)
Saved with Coupons: $6.00
Saved with Sales: $1.76

Okay, so I apparently forgot to take a picture of what I bought at Rite Aid and now I'm too lazy to go get the stuff, take a picture and upload it. So just imagine a box of Bengay (to give to my grandma), a small 22 ct. package of Carefree pantyliners and a single chocolate covered cherry (needed a small item as filler because the cashier refused to adjust my coupons down, so I got overage).

CVS: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $37.00
Saved with Sales: $6.89

Had I not had a gift card to pay for this I would have spent $1.10. Haven't you just loved the free samples of Taster's Choice (request them here and here) and the $1 coupons that come with them? Use those $1 coupons at CVS to get the above 10 ct. boxes for free. Anyone else thinking iced coffee??


  1. Where do you get your meat? I see very little meat posted with your groceries?

  2. That's a really good question and one that I haven't addressed in a long time.

    We had some friends that own a dairy and we were able to purchase a bunch of ground meat, steaks and roasts from them for a really decent price at the beginning of the year. I haven't bought chicken for quite a while but I buy that in bulk when it goes on sale at local stores and then either cook it up to have on hand or divide it raw in smaller portions and freeze it. Since I purchase 10 to 15 lbs. at a time, it usually lasts us quite a while.

    I do the same with ham. I bought a good sized ham last fall, chopped it up and froze it and we've been enjoying it since then. I still have some left, although I will be watching for a good sale to get some more.

    As for other meats, we do eat some sausage, bacon and fish, but usually just whenever I can get it for a good price. And yes, it has been a while since I've bought much meat, but be assured, we do eat it! :) (And you will see some in this coming weeks post.)

  3. How do you get by without buying produce? I always have produce I need every week. Bananas, apples, grapes, carrots, husband likes to have fresh fruit for his lunch every day and my children loves apples and bananas.

  4. Well, there are two things.
    1. I buy lots of produce in season and freeze or can it allowing us to eat "cheaper" fruit all year long. I do this with peaches, strawberries, blueberries, applesauce and pears.

    2. I do actually buy produce, just not as much as you probably do thanks to #1. However, my husband does really enjoy some fresh fruit in his lunch too (and my son and I enjoy it too) so I try to have either bananas, apples, grapes and/or citrus on hand. However, lately we've been focusing more eating the fruit I've canned/frozen because I haven't found fresh produce at great prices and I haven't been shopping as much.

    Kudos to you for making sure your hubby and kids get fruit! It's such a good thing to eat! And your question made me think maybe I should do a little post about preserving fruit.


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