
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

Okay, so we finally got our air conditioner in and I have some energy again! Seriously, humidity and I do not get along very well and especially because my body is not used to it yet, I was really dragging this week. We've been having 80-90 degree humid weather around here. I have a pile of stuff to get caught up on now that I have some energy again! :)

And I'm sure some of you are sitting there laughing thinking I'm a real wimp. But that is okay. Maybe I am! :)

Anyway, so here's my belated weekly spending summary...

Total Spent:
Total Saved with Coupons: $49.50
Total Saved with Sales: $17.95
Total Saved: $67.45

Rite Aid
: $3.18 (+ $0.27 spare change)
Saved with Coupons: $44.50
Saved with Sales: $12.00

This is a terrible picture and you can't even tell how many packages of diapers I got. But it was five. I had intended to go back and get another two on Saturday but I never got it done as we were gone for most of the day.

Giant: $2.00
Saved with Coupons: $5.00
Saved with Sales: $5.95

Got a sweet (pun intended) deal on this chocolate and I had a $5 catalina coupon from a previous purchase that I used towards this transaction.

Anyone want to come over for cookies?

Aldi: $8.52

I had $3 cash left over from a grocery return I did earlier that I put towards this purchase.

1 comment:

  1. Me too...If it is wimpy - I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt draggy this week. I know once my body acclimates itself - I'll feel more energetic.


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