
Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

I didn't even set foot in Giant or Rite Aid this week, but I did go to Walmart, Aldi and the bulk food store, so I guess that made up for it.

Total Spent: $41.51
Total Saved with Coupons: $18.47
Total Saved with Sales: $9.23
Total Saved: $27.70

$0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $9.97
Saved with Sales: $9.23

Don't you just love my huge CVS purchase? :) I know, I know. I really shouldn't be so excessive in my buying.

$0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $8.50

I don't go to Walmart very often but since I wanted to get a non-grocery item I decided to get a few groceries as well. Had I not used a gift card (I had one from returning some merchandise several months ago) I would have paid $3.93 for this purchase.

Aldi: $26.44

I also bought 3 HUGE fresh pizzas and a bunch of bananas that never made it on the picture. Oh and I did something really dumb. I was in a hurry when I got home and thought that I'd put the groceries away later, thinking I hadn't bought anything that needed to be in the fridge or freezer (other than the pizza). Well, when I finally got to the groceries I was horrified to find 2 containers of frozen orange juice concentrate warm as could be. So, I'm guessing that was $2.18 literally down the drain. :( I did put them in the freezer and I figured I'll see what it looks and smells like when I go to use it, but I'm skeptical.

: $15.07

I bought some stuff at the local Amish bulk food store. Love that place! I sometimes wonder how much I save by buying food there in bulk.

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