
Monday, May 2, 2011

Monthly Spending Summary

I did pretty well this month with our grocery budget, even though I bought a pile of stuff. I've really been trying to cut back on buying things unless it is (1) a super good price or (2) something we really need because our cupboards, freezer and pantry are quite full!

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent: $157.02
Total Saved with Coupons/Sales: $410.34

Week 1: $53.87
Week 2: $34.78
Week 3: $26.86
Week 4: $41.51

Credits: $38.97
- This was all from Rite Aid Single Check Rebates.

Ending Monthly Balance: $118.05
Balance carried from Jan.-Mar.: $101.85

Ending Annual Balance: $173.80
- In case you are confused, this is the amount I have left over for the year. This comes from being under budget in some previous months. So basically I am ahead by $173.80 for the year. No worries though, I will use this up fast when it comes time to can and freeze produce and fruit!

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