
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekly Spending Summary

A rather normal week. Didn't do just lots of shopping but I got some great deals nonetheless.

Total Spent: $26.86
Total Saved with Coupons: $71.12
Total Saved with Sales: $55.68
Total Saved: $126.80

Rite Aid: $1.97
Saved with Coupons: $17.00
Saved with Sales: $12.00

The coupons are from the $1 that I donated to the Children's Miracle Network. If you donate money to that, Rite Aid will give you these coupons.

Saved with Coupons: $36.70
Saved with Sales: $33.48

What a fun week at Giant! Yes, I spent more than normal, but I also got a bunch of stuff. I am rather puzzled because I am under what I think I should have paid by $7.00. The cashier that was at the self checkouts scanned all my coupons for me (because I had so many and she thought it would be easier). I'm pretty sure she double scanned some of them. I tried to tell her that but she insisted it was all fine.

A similar thing happened when I purchased the Romaine lettuce. I had a rain check and they gave it to me for half the price I should have paid. I tried to tell them but the cashier coach insisted it was correct the way it was. So what could I do? At any rate, I'll enjoy the savings, but I feel bad for "cheating" Giant out of money. What do you do in a case like that? Argue and make the person mad? Or just leave it go and figure you tried?

I had a rain check for the Romaine lettuce and the Philadelphia Cooking Creme. I splurged on the Pepperidge Farms deli flats and good lunch meat because we are traveling this weekend and I'm planning to pack our meals. When I do that I try to buy good stuff to make sandwiches and even though I spend a bit more than I normally would for that kind of thing, it is still way cheaper than if we stopped to eat out.

CVS: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $17.42
Saved with Sales: $10.20

Had I not used a gift card to pay for this transaction I would have paid $2.41. I had rain checks for the Folgers, Glide and Oral-B toothbrushes.


  1. I think you should do a post on rainchecks - what they are, how to get and use them, how they work for you . . . I've been afraid to try them but it seems to really work for you.

  2. Kathy, thanks for the suggestion! I really appreciate your input. I think it's a great idea and will try to do a rain check post soon.

  3. I'm curious. How do you figure your total amount paid? Do you figure amount out of pocket or amount after rebates and bucks back?

  4. I figure it on the amount out of pocket. Then when I do my Monthly Spending Summary I adjust things and add rebates into my spending money. In other words, Extra Bucks etc. just count towards my purchase and my out of pocket will show only what I spent AFTER I use them. In my End of the Month adjustment I credit my monthly budget amount with rebates etc. Make sense?


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