
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Caramel Pudding

My Dad loves pudding. That combined with the fact that we could get milk inexpensively from a neighbor farmer meant that we ate lots of pudding growing up. And I never minded. Occasionally we had the instant stuff but most times it was the good old homemade kind. I still am a pudding lover and recently made this yummy version and realized again how wonderful it is to enjoy.

Caramel Pudding
2 cups brown sugar
12 tbsp. cornstarch
10 cups milk
4 eggs

Mix brown sugar and cornstarch together; add milk and stir. Beat eggs and add to mixture. Cook and bring just to boiling- or until thickened, stirring constantly.

Strain if needed. Pour into bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Make sure plastic touches and covers the whole top of the pudding, otherwise a thick 'skin' will form.

Chill and serve with crushed Hershey's 5th Avenue bars on top.

Serves: 20

This makes a large recipe, but you can easily scale it back since it is nice even amounts.

For other recipe ideas, check out Balancing Beauty and Bedlam's Tasty Tuesday, Blessed with Grace's Tempt my Tummy Tuesday, Fudge Ripple's Tuesday Night Supper Club, 33 Shades of Green's Tasty Tuesday, and All the Small Stuff's Tuesday's at the Table.


  1. I've got this one bookmarked! I have an abundance of milk and eggs on the farm in springtime and I'm always looking for a new way to use them! I love the sprinkled candy bar on top!

  2. Oh lord the boys would LOVE this. thanks!!

  3. i have been looking for good pudding recipes...i have a chocolate one i like, but your caramel sounds fantastic. thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club.


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