
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cheese Anyone?

This, my friends, is why you are to pay attention to your 2 1/2 year old when he is shopping with you. AND this is why I hate those shopping carts with the cars on the front.

Yes, what you see in the picture above is a package of Kraft Singles cheese that Logan chewed into today when we were shopping. He was getting bored so I gave him that package of cheese to hold, and yes, he was in the car part of the cart where I can not see him very well. I noticed not long after I gave it to him that he had it up to his mouth and sternly informed him that he may not chew on it or put it in his mouth. That generally is all it takes for him to listen when it's something like this.

Well, I had a bunch of stuff to get and I was almost done when I decided to peek down at him since I suddenly realized I hadn't heard anything out of him for a long time. And I was horrified. He had two of the pieces of cheese in his mouth...still in the plastic wrapper mind you. And the rest of the package was laying at his feet. Boy was I not impressed. Let's just say that I took the package from him and I don't think he'll be doing that again anytime soon! :) And I think this mama learned a lesson about getting so involved in shopping that she forgets to check what her little boy is occupied with.

Seriously though, I really don't like those carts with the cars in the front. I think it's a conspiracy against parents. Logan always wants to use them of course and I hate them. They are bulky and hard to maneuver, he's forever wanting to lean out of the thing, nearly banging his head on stuff, and I can't see what he's up to very well. Anyone else share my feelings?

So anyway, if you're hungry, stop by for some cheese. I'll try to give you some of the un-chewed-upon stuff!


  1. lol You're not along mama! I used to cashier at a grocery store, and was asked many times by parents why we can't just get rid of the car carts. For the same reasons you mentioned. Kids would cry unless their parents used them, even if they only came in for a gallon of milk. They were just terrible all around.

  2. Ha! Love your post! My children beg for those cars too. I wouldn't mind if they actually would stay in them. They get bored halfway through and climb out. So when they do that they're not allowed to use a cart like that the next time we go shopping. :)

  3. My boys like those carts too,and I get frustrated everytime I let them ride in one. Logan must love cheese!lol

  4. I gotta admit that i actually like them. :) It keeps my 2 1/2 and 4 yr. old entertained (yes, it's a tight squeeze. :D ). There are times they lean out or want out, but for the most part they do really well and I'd rather have them in there then trailing along behind me! And my 2 1/2 yr. old hates sitting in the front of the cart...

  5. I gotta admit that i actually like them. :) It keeps my 2 1/2 and 4 yr. old entertained (yes, it's a tight squeeze. :D ). There are times they lean out or want out, but for the most part they do really well and I'd rather have them in there then trailing along behind me! And my 2 1/2 yr. old hates sitting in the front of the cart...

  6. Haha, this gave me a good laugh . . . that I definitely needed today!

  7. Glad to know that I'm not alone in the car cart hatred. :) Although, as Amy showed, there are some people that like them. Glad they work for you Amy!

    And yes, Sarah, Logan does love cheese. In fact, he'd eat it all the time if I let him!

  8. My daughter seemed to get sick all.the.time. and I was germ phobic so the carts were out- I still say they have germs and she is fine with the NO CAR CART idea every since! wow, maybe I had a side benefit after all:)


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