
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What are You Grateful For?

My Sunshine...finding joy of his own. :)

I had already wiped Logan's nose for what seemed like the hundredth time this morning and now he was hollering again from the bathtub upstairs, "Mama, I need a nose!". (That's his way of saying, "I need my nose wiped".) I sighed loudly and could feel frustration rising within me. "Why do I have to wipe his nose so often? As if I have nothing better to do!" I fumed. After all, he was interrupting my food preparation for our dinner guests tonight and that HAD to be far more important than wiping my 2 1/2 yr. old's nose!

But then I sensed God gently remind me, "Lydia, be thankful that you have a little boy's nose to wipe." Another sigh. I knew God was right. My life would be so empty without my bright eyed, talkative little son! And after the loss we experience last fall, I often wonder what I would ever do without him.

Ungratefulness. It seems like it creeps up on me so often! I am constantly fighting that nasty enemy that robs my spirit of joy. But I want to fight back. I want to keep working at developing a genuine spirit of thankfulness. And so I am grateful this morning for my son, even if he does have a runny nose that needs wiped every 5 minutes. And I'm thankful that I have a God who cares enough about me to remind me of my blessings.

So what about you. What are you grateful for today? I'd love if you shared it with me!


  1. Thank you, dear Lydia! I've been dealing with this so much, too...feeling like I'm just putting one foot ahead of the other and living for survival...I want to thrive! :-) Today I'm spending the day in the kitchen again...getting ready for yet more company this weekend...but I'm thankful today for friends and family who care and are sacrificing to visit!

    Hugs to you today! :-)

  2. Thank you for the reminder,Lydia.I was having one of those days today too, things just not going as smoothly as I wished they would,but God reminded me of the people in Japan and I realized I have so much to be thankful for.I want to count my blessings and not take them for granted.I hope Logan's cold gets better soon!

  3. I'm thankful for the steady job my hubby has and my 2 healthy children. I can totally relate to getting frustated with wiping runny noses! Thanks for the reminder!


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