
Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank You!

I know different of you were curious if I actually ended up winning anything with the Purex contest that I asked for your help in. Yes, I finally found out Friday that I was one of the top 100 referrals and won $25! I know, that isn't much, but I make very little through blogging so I was pretty happy!

So a BIG thank you to those of you that clicked through on my link! I really do appreciate it and appreciate you taking the time to read this blog. And while I'm at it, let me just say feel free to leave comments and suggestions. Your comments are what keep me going and I always enjoy reading them. And your suggestions and criticisms are invaluable to me. When you share your opinions it helps me know if I am doing something that is helpful or unhelpful to you as a reader and hopefully will help me improve this blog.

Hope you are enjoying your second day of Spring!

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I love your feel free to leave them!