
Monday, February 21, 2011

Why I Buy Things I Won't Use

Sometimes I buy things that I won't use. Yes, I know, it sounds like it would be wasteful right? Well, let me explain just why I do this (and why I'd encourage you to do it too.)

Sometimes there is an item that I can get and actually make money on but it is an item that I personally don't use. Typically I will go ahead and buy it anyway for two reasons.

1. I can make money on the product which means more cash in my grocery budget. Who doesn't like to get paid to shop?!

2. I can then give the item to a friend that can use it or I will donate it to our local homeless shelter. Who doesn't like to be able to help someone else out?!

Here's an example. This week Benefiber is on sale at Rite Aid. I don't use Benefiber and don't know of anyone who does, but I bought it anyway and plan to give it to our local shelter.

(2) Benefiber Sticks $11.98
(with 20% discount-not everyone gets this discount)
Get (2) $3.00 Single Check Rebates
use $7.00/2 Benefiber Coupon
$1/1 Benefiber Product Rite Aid printable (Jan.)
$1/1 Benefiber Product Rite Aid printable (Feb.)
Free after plus $3.02 profit after coupons and rebates

So not only did I make some money that I can use on other grocery purchases, I also have an item that I can pass on to someone else in need.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you think!
    I shop like this too. Not every week but often enough that I can bless others with things they can use.
    Thanks for stopping by and checking out my Easy Chicken Alfredo Pizza!


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