
Monday, February 7, 2011

Book Review: The 60 Minute Money Workout

I've decided to add a new feature here- book reviews. I've signed up with Blogging for Books a program that gives you books of your choice in exchange for doing a book review for them. Occasionally I'll be posting reviews here about the books I've read.

I just finished reading The 60 Minute Money Workout by Ellie Kay, financial expert. As you could guess, this book is a step-by-step guide to learning how to better handle your money. Each chapter has 5 "steps" that you do to help apply what you've learned in the chapter to your own life. These 5 steps are only to take 60 minutes each time so that you can keep moving in your journey of getting your finances in shape. I liked the 5 step concept, but at first found the chapters a bit hard to navigate. However, after the first several chapters, the steps and layout started making more sense and I learned to like it.

You'll find this book very practical and helpful if you are interested in learning more about how to get your finances in better shape. Kay covers everything from reigning in spending, to reducing debt, to starting your own business, to investing. And all along the way she gives lots of practical tips and step by step methods for doing what she suggests. Not only does Kay tell you what to do, she gives you the resources to do it- such as the phone number to call to get your credit score, the website where you can find cheap textbooks, and the website where you can get the best rates for CD's.

Overall I enjoyed this book and would recommend it for anyone wanting to learn more about how to manage their finances. In fact, even if you think you have a pretty good handle on money management, I dare say that you will still learn something from The 60 Minute Money Workout.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of The 60 Minute Money Workout for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review, however all opinions are mine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Goodie! I love to read book reviews! Only problem is that I already have a towering stack of books beside my bed and I really shouldn't find any more!


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