
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monthly Spending Summary (Dec.)

I was so curious how I would come out at the end of the year. It has been such an up and down thing. I started the year out with extra leftover at the end of the month for several months. Then this summer when I was canning and freezing I was actually over budget for a while and wondered if I'd be able to reign it in. But the last couple of months I was way under budget again and so I was rather curious just how it would all pan out.

I am not totally decided what I am going to do with my "extra" money, however some friends of ours are offering us a great price on some beef that they raised. So I'm thinking of putting my money into that.

I'm also toying with the idea of cutting my budget by $10-$20 a month, but I'm a little scared I won't be able to stick with it. What do you think? Can I do it? Would I be crazy? I'd love your input!

Anyway here's all the figures.

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent: $177.12
Total Saved with Coupons/Sales: $300.74

Week 1: $47.24
Week 2: $48.14
Week 3: $21.93
Week 4: $23.28
Week 5: $36.53

Credits: $132.85
- This was from rebates.

Ending Monthly Balance: $44.27
Balance carried from Jan.-Nov.: $177.24

Ending Annual Balance: $322.97
- In case you are confused, this is the amount I have left over for the year. This comes from being under budget in some previous months. So basically I am ahead by $322.97 for the year.

How did you do this year? Were you able to stick with your budget? And would I be nuts to try to cut my budget back some?

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