
Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Absence

I'm sure some of you are wondering just what happened to me that I suddenly stopped posting on here the last several days. Well, God brought an unexpected turn of events into our lives on Thursday, November 11.

Our little daughter Eleni Jo surprised us by arriving 5 1/2 weeks early on 11/11/10 at 8:25 am. Because of her early birth, we knew that she would knew that she would need to be in the NICU for at least a couple of days. We soon realized shortly after she was born though that things were more serious than we ever anticipated. Eleni was born with a form of dwarfism that basically left her with no chance of living due to underdeveloped lungs along with several other things. The doctors and nurses worked hard to help her survive, but soon realized that there was no hope. After living for 2 hours, she died very peacefully in our arms.

Her name means "shining light" and "sweetheart" and that really is what she was and is. She is our little sweetheart who is now a shining light in heaven. Her short life has impacted ours in so many ways and one of those is that we have an even stronger desire to serve God with all of our hearts and someday be able to be reunited with her in heaven.

The past several days have been hard and yet we have felt God's presence and the love of those who care for us too. Please pray for us.

I'll probably be back to posting at least some in the next day or two.


  1. Dear Lydia, I am sorry for your loss.... Your baby girl was so beautiful. My heart aches for you. May you feel the presence of God and his comfort. I am praying for you.

  2. Dear Lydia,
    I am so sad for your loss, and I will pray that God brings Himself and others into your family's life to give you extra love, strength and grace during the times that you need it most over the next few days, months and years.

    Elani is a beautiful little girl, she will be severely missed but you will see her again!

    Much love, Laura

  3. Lydia, my heart just broke when Sherilyn asked the church to pray for you. I am so sorry you had to go through this and I wish there would be something I could do to take away you pain. Your little daughter looks so precious. I'm praying that you'd be able to draw closer to God during this time and that you'd feel his comfort and love for you.

  4. God is with you.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers to you and your family.

  6. Our prayers are with you.

  7. She is a beatiful baby girl. God is holding her in heaven. Prayers for you and your family.


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