
Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly Spending Summary

Some of you may be wondering why I do these Weekly Spending Summaries. And really, it's been a while since I've answered that question. My goal in showing you my spending and savings is to help you see how much you really can save by combining coupons and sales. It really DOES make a difference.

I really hope that you don't find it discouraging. And please don't feel badly if you don't save as much as I do. (You can feel wonderful if you save more though!) Remember, even if you're only saving $20 a week, you are still stretching your budget. And don't forget that this whole couponing/drugstore/grocery game takes a while to get the hang of...and I've been doing it for over 2 years.

If you have thoughts or suggestions in relation to these posts, I'd welcome them.

This was a fun week- so many great deals and so much savings. I admit though, I'm glad there aren't this many bargains every week. I think I'd wear out pretty fast. Actually, I'd just have to be more picky and skip a lot of them.

Total Spent: $44.20
Total Saved with Coupons: $147.98
Total Saved with Sales: $58.61
Total Saved: $206.58

Rite Aid
: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $90.50
Saved with Sales: $19.72

Freebies: Oreos and the rest after Single Check Rebates

I am still using a gift card that I earned through the SCR (Single Check Rebates) program. Had I not used it, my out of pocket would have been $1.96.

I split these items into 3 transactions so that I could use three $5/$25 coupons. That really helped me maximize my savings!

CVS: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $19.99
Saved with Sales: $4.70

Freebies: All of the above after Extra Bucks

I used the $4/$20 CVS coupon which sweetened this transaction even more than what it would have been! The Glide floss was purchased with a rain check. I used $14.99 in Extra Bucks and got $15.48 back.

Giant: $0.50
Saved with Coupons: $8.00
Saved with Sales: $8.11

Freebies: Ronzoni

I had a $3 catalina coupon from last week that I used towards this purchase. I also use the $2/$5 Giant Meat coupon for the bacon.

Weis: $20.61
Saved with Coupons: $27.49
Saved with Sales: $26.07

Freebies: Cheerios and One Feta Cheese

Okay, so I don't often shop at Weis and I got myself a little confused. They had a catalina coupon deal where when you spent $35 on certain items you got a $10 catalina back. Or you could spend $25 and get $5 catalina. I forgot that with Weis they count the $35 on the shelf price, not the sale price. So I was rather surprised when a $10 catalina printed instead of a $5. Not that I minded of course! I just would have done a few things differently such as not purchase the one box of Cheerios (since I didn't need that to get to my $35 total).

Anyway, I split this into two transactions. The first one I bought the items for the catalina promotion and the second one I paid for using the $10 catalina and a $3 catalina that printed for the Pillsbury rolls. I had a Buy One Get One Free coupon for the feta cheese and two coupons for free boxes of Cheerios from the manufacture (don't remember how I got them).

I decided to be brave and do something that Jen has said she often does. I found a bunch of Angus chuck roasts that had a sell by date for the following day and then I picked one out and went to the meat department manager and asked if they would give me a discount on it since it had a sell by date for the next day. (Weis often puts $2 or $3 off stickers on meats that have a close sell by date.) The manager said they don't often put them on roasts but since there were so many that were close dated she would. So I got a nice size Angus roast for $1.49/lb.. I guess it really never does hurt to ask!

Oh, and just in case you are wondering, I am not planning on keeping all 8 bags of flour. My mother-in-law wanted 4 of them.

Walmart: $6.95
Saved with Coupons: $2.00

Freebies: Gain dish soap

I also purchased a sippy cup for my son. He was playing with it and I forgot to put it on the picture.

Westfield Farm Store: $16.14

During the summer I don't get over in the direction of Westfield very often and I really missed being able to get inexpensive eggs. They have "seconds" of eggs that they sell for $0.70/doz. and regular large eggs for $0.90/doz. which is quite a bit cheaper than I can get eggs anywhere else around here anymore.


  1. Seriously, I AM LOVING RITE AID! I did the Johnsons deal last week and already did the Huggies deal this week! I am getting so spoiled by getting free diapers!

  2. I know what you mean. They are the store I most look forward to going to every week.


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