
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekly Spending Summary

Another week of kind of big spending. Sometimes I struggle knowing if I should totally stick with my budget and not buy things when I'm at certain stores I go to only every so often or if I should go ahead and stock up while I am there so I don't have to go so often. I've kind of decided it makes more sense to stock up, save the time and maybe go over budget a little than make multiple trips just for the sake of staying within budget. What do you all do?

Anyway, on to the breakdown of my spending.

Total Spent: $50.61
Total Saved with Coupons: $53.75
Total Saved with Sales:
Total Saved:

$o (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $36.75
Saved with Sales: $13.76

Freebies: Sobe's; Right Guard; and the rest after Extra Bucks

I used $9.99 in Extra Bucks and got $22.99 back. I think my challenge is going to be using them all up before they expire!

Rite Aid:
Saved with Coupons: $14.00
Saved with Sales: $18.50

Freebies: Nivea and the rest after Single Check Rebates

I'll get $8.99 back in Single Check Rebates for this purchase. Oh, and the Nivea was bought with a raincheck that I had.


I'm going through sugar like crazy with all the canning and freezing I've been doing. I still have applesauce to do so I thought I might as well start buying some for that. Oh and the feta cheese, strawberries, and spinach are for this awesome salad I'm planning to make for a get together with friends. Maybe I'll have to post the recipe and revive my Tasty Tuesday again. :)


I purchased a dozen of eggs.


Saved with Coupons: $3.00

Dollar Tree:

I'm going to try making my own Windex with these ingredients plus dish soap and water. I've gotten really tired of using the Windex brand (and other brands too for that matter) and having streaks despite the streak free shine claim. One of my friends says this homemade version is the absolute best. Guess if I like it, you'll be seeing a recipe on here eventually.

Cash for produce at market.


  1. I'd like to see the recipe if it works out for you.

  2. Welcome Dani! And thanks for letting me know you'd like to see it. That always helps me know more what my readers like to see. I'll try to update once I've tried it sufficiently to know if I like it or not.


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