
Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekly Spending Summary

This week is pretty self explanatory, so I won't bother writing any more.

Total Spent: $64.00
Total Saved with Coupons: $88.87
Total Saved with Sales: $41.54
Total Saved: $130.41

Saved with Coupons: $17.22
Saved with Sales: $0.73

Freebies: Tide; Rayovac batteries; Sobe; Kellogg's cereal; Flame Disk

You'll just need to imagine 4 packs of Rayovac batteries and 2 travel sized packages of Tide in the above picture. I realized after I got home that I was missing those items so I called and thankfully someone had turned them in at the service desk, so I will still get them. I don't think the cashier ever handed me that bag actually. Anyway, I was relieved that it was at least items that I got free so if I hadn't been able to get them, it would not have been a huge loss.

I had a free product coupon for the Flame Disk, but the rest of the items I got free by combining sales and store and manufacturer's coupons.

Oregon Dairy: $2.07
Saved with Sales: $1.08

This was for 3 dozen eggs. I actually went to purchase some boneless, skinless chicken breast that was on sale only to get to the store and be told they were totally out. I was less than excited. Anyway, to make a long story short, I did manage to get a raincheck, so hopefully next week I can stop by and still get some.

Giant: $1.00
Saved with Coupons: $9.49
Saved with Sales: $2.80

Freebie: Chavrie

I had a free product coupon for the Chavrie goat cheese and I'm sure Vince and his dad will enjoy that.

CVS: $0
Saved with Coupons: $11.77
Saved with Sales: $6.96

Freebies: Sobes; 3 Musketeers; Little Swimmers

I used $4.50 in Extra Bucks and got none back.

Rite Aid: $27.12
Saved with Coupons: $50.39
Saved with Sales: $29.97

Freebies: All of the above after Single Check Rebates

This was another fun week at Rite Aid! I love that store. Even with their new coupon policy changes, I still have been able to get some great deals. I should get $23.28 back in Single Check Rebates which means this was a moneymaker of $7.13! Plus I got $8 in +UP Rewards to use on future purchases as well. (I don't count them in as part of my moneymaking because then it would be counted twice...since they also reduce my total when I use them. Make sense?)

Oh and you should see my diaper stockpile about now. Rather crazy. I think I have about 12 or 14 packages right now! Some of them are newborn and size 1 & 2 for the baby. I figure I might as well start stocking up now...if we have two in diapers it's going to be harder to get them all really cheap.

Centerville Bulk Food & Kauffman's Fruit Farm: $28.38

Misc: $5.00

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