
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Monthly Spending Summary (May)

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent: $84.31
Total Saved with Coupons/Sales: $152.02

Week 1: $1.06
Week 2: $43.88
Week 3: $20.95
Week 4: $18.42

Credits: $8.37
This was from a return and also two transactions from back at the beginning the year that never deducted from our bank account. Have you ever had that happen? We do periodically when we use our bank card and I always feel bad, but there really is no way to make it right with the store where it happened.

Ending Balance: $75.94 (or $114.06 extra)

Balance Carried from Jan.- April: $237.20

I guess I just didn't spend much this month, partly because I didn't always feel like chasing the deals and partly because it just seemed like the deals were just not that great.

I was feeling pretty good about how much extra I had, but I'm afraid this month I'm going to make a bit of a dent into that extra with buying strawberries (I freeze a ton!) and meat. We are nearly out of both chicken and hamburger so I am planning to restock on that.

I admit I've gotten a little lazy about being careful how I spend my grocery money. Not that I've really done horribly, but I think with knowing all the extra money I had I sort of subconsciously thought I didn't have to be as careful and I have bought various things I would not normally buy at all or at least not for full price. I don't really feel terribly bad about it, but it is just good for me to be aware that I am going to need that extra money for fruit etc. Hopefully it will make me be a little more conscious of how I spend it.

1 comment:

  1. I love your 'score keeping' and out loud reasoning!!! I'm ridiculously impressed by how little you spent in May!

    Earlier this year I had taken a break from all of the pavement pounding for deals, but recently I've really been enjoying the thrill of the hunt!


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