
Monday, June 28, 2010

Monthly Spending Summary (June)

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent: $183.84
Total Saved with Coupons & Sales: $258.27

Week 1: $74.38
Week 2: $40.74
Week 3: $8.70
Week 4: $60.02

Other Expenses: $194.00
This was for 80 qts. of strawberries and 1 bushel of peas.

Credits: $39.48

Ending Monthly Balance: $338.36 (over budget by $148.36)
Balance carried from Jan.-May: $351.06

Ending Annual Balance: $202.70

I'm sorry if all that was hard to follow. Basically I had a huge credit from the past 5 months and this month because of buying fruit and produce to freeze, I dipped into that some. However, I still have $200 surplus, for which I am thankful because I still have fruit and veggies that I want to buy to can and freeze!

Now that I'm not feeling so icky with my pregnancy I really should try to do a "live out of the pantry/freezer month". I should, but I'm not sure I have the motivation to do it! Making food is still not something I enjoy doing as much as I normally would...but maybe I can compromise and do it for 2 weeks. We'll see... :)

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