
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monthly Spending Summary (April)

Monthly Grocery/Household Budget: $190

Total Spent: $187.86

Week 1: $16.58
Week 2: $114.59
Week 3: $23.43
Week 4: $29.53

Misc. Expenses I missed recording: $3.73

Credits: $56.97
- this was all from rebates

Ending Balance: $130.89 (or $59.11 extra)

Balance Carried from Jan./Feb./March: $178.09

Well, here I thought I was over budget for the month but I must have just miscalculated! Just to be sure I double checked my math several times, but I always came up with the same amount, so I was happy that I was actually under budget by a couple of dollars even before my rebate credits.

I now have $237 of overage that I can put towards fruit and vegetables to can and freeze. I am thinking that should nearly cover the cost of the produce and fruit that I buy to preserve, but am not totally sure. So I guess I'll just keep saving away for a couple of months yet- if I can!


  1. Wow. I think/am hoping mine will start to come down now that i have a small stockpile.

  2. I am sure it will. Once I got a decent stockpile going that really helped me out- took me a good year thought until I saw drastic changes.


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