
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tasty Tuesday: Iced Coffee

Ahh...these warm 80 degree days around here have got me thinking about iced coffee! I love that stuff but I hate spending big bucks at Starbucks, Sheetz, or wherever. So several years ago I tweaked a recipe that a friend had given me. I worked with it until it suited my taste, and now whenever I get one of those coffee drink attacks I just make myself some. It is obviously WAY cheaper than buying it somewhere, not to mention oh so simple too.

I also love the fact that, unlike lots of iced coffee recipes, it takes basic ingredients that you probably always have on hand. So take a few minutes, make some iced coffee, then sit down and prop your feet up for a bit and enjoy!

Iced Coffee
3c. brewed coffee (vanilla or hazelnut are really yummy)
1 1/2 Tbsp. instant coffee
1 c. sugar
Milk (about 1/2 to 3/4th gallon)

Mix brewed and instant coffee and the sugar together in a gallon pitcher. Add 1 to 2 trays of ice cubes** then add milk until the pitcher is full. Stir well...Enjoy!

** It depends how watered down you like to make it. I usually do 1 tray and then when I think it is cold enough I even scoop them out so it doesn't get as watery and is more creamy- the way I like it!

For other great recipe ideas, check out Balancing Beauty and Bedlam's Tasty Tuesday, Blessed with Grace's Tempt my Tummy Tuesday, and All the Small Stuff's Tuesday's at the Table.


  1. Sounds yummy! I'll have to give this a try!

  2. My husband loves iced coffee in the summer so we'll have to try this!

  3. Joe & I were just talking about that last night that is it time to start making iced coffee with this warm weather these last couple days! I guess I should make it decaf too since I'm not supposed to have too much caffeine... Susan

  4. *Happy Sigh* I love iced coffee, but it's much too expensive to buy. I'm going to try your recipe - it sounds amazing and simple! :) That is so neat that you grew up near DC - we live in Purcellville (so it's about 1 hour West of DC). Thanks so much for your comment! I love seeing that someone actually reads my blog. ;)

  5. Oh, I LOVE coffee and making my own Starbucks is something I do. Now with summer, I'll need to switch to iced...great idea. Someone mentioned that we can buy the large mixes in bulk from Starbucks if you ask...I think I am going to do that. :)

  6. Brenda, the cocoa would probably make it sort of a mocha flavor I'm guessing. What a great idea for a different twist!

  7. My wife loves iced coffee...maybe I'll surprise her with this recipe!

  8. It was snowing here today so I'll have to try this if it ever stops!

    I haven't heard of adding instant coffee before so I'll have to try it. Probably in July :-)

  9. Oh that sounds great and easy. I love the idea but never want to spend the money at the coffee shops either. Sorry I haven't been by in a while. The move and unpacking have gotten the best of me. Thanks for sharing your recipe and linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

  10. I made a 1/2 batch of this stuff today and it is good!!!! I'm impressed with how closely it tastes like the Starbucks Fraps. I also added about a teas of caramel syrup to the batch I made. I would have added more but it was all I had. Do you mind if I feature this recipe on my blog?

  11. Michelle- I was thinking later that I should have written that it is closer to a Starbuck's frap. than most people's idea of an iced coffee.

    Glad you enjoyed it. I bet too the caramel made it rather tasty! I should get myself some of it. And of course you may use my recipe on your blog! I'd be more than honored. :)

  12. This sounds (and looks!) delicious!

  13. I don't usually prefer iced coffee, but since people are saying this is closer to a frappe...I'm going to try it! :-)


    ~eunice b

  14. I found you through Money Saving Mom.
    I can't wait to try this!


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