
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some Great Reads...

* Sharpen Your Scissors gives a wonderful and easy way to donate some of your stockpile.

* Don't have a salad spinner? No worries! Check out this idea from Making this Home.

* Thinking about Spring cleaning? Saving with Shellie has some great ideas on using natural products to do the job.

* Do you rent a storage unit? I liked Small Notebook's thoughts on this subject.

* Looking for gardening tip? Home Joys has a wealth of knowledge on the subject including how to plant strawberry plants.


  1. Hey... thanks for the kind linkage!!!

  2. That salad spinner idea is exactly what I do...and I thought I was the only one and probably weird. :) I go outside and swing my arm in circles, water flying! ;)I would rather not store one of those spinners and if you get a good one they cost a LOT!! :(
    Thanks for the links!

  3. Rachal, I wonder what your neighbors think when they see you. :) I am blessed with a big kitchen and lots of cupboards, but I tucked this idea away for if and when I ever need to downsize.

  4. Yeah I wonder too what they think. :) This winter I have mostly been doing it inside. We only have one neighbor that can see me from the back door. At our other place I always hoped no one was looking!


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