
Monday, April 12, 2010

And the Winner is.....

I've really enjoyed doing this giveaway. One of my favorite things about it was learning more about you all. Here's just a sampling of things I learned about you: one of you is a Jane Austen fan, another has 3 of 4 of her children born in April and doesn't like decorating cakes, one of you has a baby due in June and another just celebrated their 23rd anniversary (congrats!). I wish I could learn from those of you that mentioned you hate clutter and love gardening or that you are busy moms with quite a few small children. I feel like I have lots of questions I could bombard you with!

Anyway, I really enjoyed learning to know a bit more about many of you. Thanks to each of you for taking the time to enter.

Okay and now for the fun part and what you all have been waiting to find out. said the magic number was #50 and that was....ROSANNA who said "I have been enjoying your site a lot lately, and keep very busy with my 2 children, age 2 1/2, and 13 months! Would be lots of fun to win!" Congratulations Rosanna! I will be emailing you and you'll have 2 days to reply!

And to the rest of you, I have another giveaway coming up soon. So stay close by- I think you'll really like this one too!


  1. I am so exited to have won! Thank you!

  2. Is that Rosanna Witmer from PA by any chance?? :)

  3. I don't know if she is from PA or not...maybe she'll see this and respond. :)

  4. Rachel, yes its the Rosanna Witmer you know:)

  5. Oh yay! So happy for you Rosanna!! (And a we bit envious!) ;)


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