
Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekly Spending Summary

I felt like this was a pretty good week even though I went over budget by $6.51. I was able to get a lot of good deals on items I used regularly. And since I was under budget the rest of this month I am not going to sweat being over by a little bit!

Total Spent:
Total Saved with Coupons: $79.60
Total Saved with Sales: $50.50
Total Saved: $130.10


CVS: $0 (gift card)
Saved with Coupons: $27.00
Saved with Sales: $7.10

Freebies: Crest, Colgate, Accu-Chek

Had I not used a gift card, I would have paid $0.33 for this purchase. I used $14 in Extra Bucks and got $10.99 in Extra Bucks back.

Giant: $20.71
Saved with Coupons: $14.60
Saved with Sales: $20.93

I was pretty tickled to get the ham for only $0.81/lb. by using this coupon. That is some pretty inexpensive meat! My other really fun buys were $1.34/lb. cheese and $0.09/lb. sour cream.

Rite Aid: $2.00 (see below)
Saved with Coupons: $38.00
Saved with Sales: $22.47

Freebies: Ester- C

Wow, this was a fun week at Rite Aid! I had nearly and 80% savings from my two trips there and I enjoyed stocking up on baby stuff for nearly nothing. In reality I spent $5.46 on the above purchases, but since I bought the one pack of diapers for a baby gift, $3.46 will actually be taken out of our gifts given budget, not grocery. I will get back $2 in Single Check Rebates, so essentially, in the end I will have paid nothing out of pocket for the items that I bought for us (not as a gift).

Centerville Bulk Food: $22.66

How did you do this week? Were you able to get any good deals?


  1. This was not a good budget week for me. I went over by $29.30!! We were going to have the youth over Sunday evening so I had to buy meat & Cheese and buns for that which ending up costing $18. And then on top of that Kroger had triples and there were certain I wanted to stock up on so I went over budget. :( So this week I can only spend $28 so I stay in budget for the month. If I can stay away from the stores it shouldn't be too hard.... ;)

    BTW-I ended up not evening having the youth then because my hubby was sick on Sunday. So I could have saved some money if I had known that. But it's going to work out allright as I'm hosting a bridal shower for my sister so I'll use the meat & cheese for that.

  2. Yeah, hosting people is one of those things that can put me over sometimes too. I try to plan my menu around things I have on hand, but sometimes it just doesn't work!

    And if I had triples...I'm afraid I'd be going over too! :) In fact, this week Giant has some great deals that I really probably shouldn't get because it will send me over budget, but I am going to anyway. It's stuff I use so in the long run I will save.

    Btw, what do you do with money you back in rebate form etc. Do you put that back into your grocery budget or do you save it for something else? Just curious. Cause that rebate money has really saved me the last couple of months! I keep thinking of using it to save up for some furniture etc. but really like how it helps me out grocery wise.

  3. I actually have an envelope I keep my rebate money in. I then use it to buy more things that I'll be getting money back with a rebate. For ex. I bought 3 boxes of Ziploc freezer bags today and paid with it out of my rebate cash because I'll be getting back $5 rebate. I like doing it this way because it sometimes will really deplete my grocery money when I'm buying things that are part of a rebate.


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