
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ways to Save: Use a Price List

I had mentioned here that I am more easily able to stay under our grocery budget than ever before and was still trying to figure out why. The more I thought about it, I realized that one of the tools that helped me out has been the price list that I used the last six months.

Have you ever been at the store and seen an unadvertised deal and been tempted to buy it but just wasn't quite sure if it was really a good price? I certainly have! In fact, I got so tired of trying to remember if things were cheaper at Aldi, my favorite bulk food store, or the current sale price that I made my own price list chart. This chart shows the lowest regular price that I can buy each item for. It does not include any sale prices.

Here's a sample of what mine looks like- in actuality it is sized a little differently. Blogger just wouldn't copy it over correctly!


Canola Oil

2.28 WM


1.49 SA 5lb


2.39 Aldi 5lb

Brown Sugar

.53 CV per lb.

Confectioner’s Sugar

.53 CV per lb.

Crisco Brand

4.12 WM


3.29 SA 48 oz.

Cocoa Powder

2.79 CV per lb.

Peanut Butter

1.29 Aldi 18 oz.


1.51 CV per lb.

Coconut- unsweet.

2.25 CV per lb.

Choc. Chips- milk

1.69 Aldi 12 oz.

Choc. Chips- semi

2.21 CV per lb.

Kookie Bits

1.25 CV per lb.

Butterscotch Chips

1.86 CV per lb.


1.69 Aldi

Evaporated Milk

.75 Aldi

Powdered Milk

4.99 Aldi 1lb. 9.6oz

Cream Cheese

.79 Aldi

Sour Cream

.99 Aldi 16 oz.

Cottage Cheese

1.89 Aldi 24 oz.

Pineapple Sliced

.99 SA 20 oz.

Pineapple Crushed

.89 Aldi 20 oz.

Mand. Oranges Can.

.45 Aldi


.89 Aldi

Graham Crackers

1.29 Aldi


1.76-1.80 CV per lb

Instant Pudding

2.30 CV per lb.


.33 Aldi 26 oz.

Salmon- canned

2.29 Aldi 14.75 oz.

Velveeta- generic

3.69 Aldi 32 oz.

Egg Noodles

.99 Aldi 12 oz.


1.19 Aldi 36 oz


1.49 Aldi 24 oz.

Spag. Sauce

1.09 Aldi 26 oz.


.59 Aldi .5 oz.

Kidney Beans Dry

1.16 WM per lb.

Northern Beans Dry

.88 WM per lb.

Black Beans Dry

1.08 WM per lb.

White Rice

.54 CV per lb.

Brown Rice

.55 CV per lb.

Instant Br. Rice

1.44 WM 14 oz.

Instant Wh. Rice

1.63 CV per lb.

Kitchen Supplies

Wax Paper

1.18 WM 75 sq. ft.

Aluminum Foil

2.29 Aldi 75 sq ft.

Plastic Wrap

1.29 Aldi 200 sq. ft.

Freezer Bags- Qt.

1.49 SA 40 ct.

Muffin Cups

.99 SA 90ct.

The first column is obviously the name of the item. The second has the price of the item as well as the store name. For sake of space I abbreviated some of the names. For instance, SA is Save-A-Lot.

Now when I am planning a shopping trip and want to know if a sale price is a good deal, I simply refer to my handy little chart. The price list also helps me know what to buy where. For instance, when I go to Walmart, I make sure I buy the items that are priced the lowest there- that is if I need the item! And if I am shopping and come across an unexpected sale I can easily refer to my price list to see if it really is a bargain or not.

Using a price list does require a little bit of work. I mean, what good is a price list if it isn't up to date? So here's what I do. I keep this chart with me in my coupon binder and when I am out shopping at my usual stores I frequently double check my prices. It doesn't take long and I typically don't go out of my way to do so; I just sort of scan the shelf for the price as I walk by. Then if a price changes, I simply note it in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th column of my chart. Eventually the chart gets full or messy and I have to update the prices in the original document and print out a new price list.

Not only has this price list saved me lots of headache, it has also helped me save money. I can't tell you how often I didn't buy an item that I had thought was a good deal because my price list showed me it wasn't. Yes, usually it was only a matter of $0.10, but let me tell you, that adds up. And if you don't need the item immediately anyway, why not wait and get it cheaper?

Do you utilize a price list? What other ways do use to keep track of prices?


  1. I don't use a price list,but often thought it would be nice to have.You have inspired me to try it too!

  2. Yes yes!! Great post. I started doing this soon after I got married and have used it so often.


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