
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

P&G Year of Savings Promotion

There is a really great promotion from Proctor & Gamble right now called the "Year of Savings". When you purchase $50 worth of P&G products (the $50 is before coupons) between 2/1/10 and 4/15/10, you can submit your receipts to receive a $100 coupon booklet. If you are curious what coupons you'll receive and trying to figure out if this is worth your time, simply go here and look under "Featured Products and Savings".

Here's how to get your coupon booklet:

1. Purchase $50 worth of P&G products
2. Circle the products AND purchase price on your receipt(s)
3. Print and fill out the rebate form
4. Mail the rebate form and receipts to the address listed on the form

Want to see a list of all the participating brands? Go here.

Thanks Saving with Shellie!


  1. I just noticed you have the cash crate bar at the bottom. I started cash crate several weeks ago and I am not sure what to many offers don't approve and yes I go to the very end. :) How in the world do you get quizes to approve for you?

  2. Yeah, Cashcrate isn't the easiest to learn...and even when you do EVERYTHING right, sometimes offers don't approve. Here are a few things that have helped me:

    1. Go the forum and look at the recently approved offers page...then do the offers that others have had success with. Usually I'll get those to go through.

    2. Only do several offers at a time. Don't know why, but from what ppl say it seems that if you do too many it decreases the chance of them going through.

    3. When doing an offer, allow EACH page to load fully before clicking next etc. The tracking cookie could be on any page so if you rush it, the cookie might not track.

    4. Do the $0.25 offers. They are don't take long and approve most of the time.

    5. Create multiple email accounts with gmail or yahoo (in other words FREE) and vary the use of your email address. That REALLY helped me out. An easy way to do this is to make your email address a word and then add a number to it: cashcrate1, cashcrate2, cashcrate3 etc.

    6. For the ones where after you put in your basic info and another page of "Last Step" offers (silver,gold etc.) pops up- only complete that page. I finally learned that to get those offers to approve, all I needed to do was click on several of the offers on the first page (silver) and that was all. You DO NOT have to complete anything else.

    7. Once you click on the silver offers or get to the end of a quiz etc., let the page(s) stay on your screen for a min. or so.

    8. Clear your cookies after every 2 to 3 offers.

    Hope that didn't overload you! Those are some tips I learned from the forum and others that do Cashcrate. It's one of those things I do occasionally when I'm in the mood, but that I don't spend too much time one since the profit is not huge.


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