
Monday, January 11, 2010

Be Inspired

One of my favorite blogs is Balancing Beauty and Bedlam. Jen does a great job of just sharing about her life and using it to inspire and encourage others. She also has some great money saving ideas and tips from time to time.

This morning I was very inspired by Jen's post about making care packages for the homeless. I have often thought of doing this but never have and think this may be the shove I need to begin. Reading this post made me realize again the many simple ways that we can care for others around us, especially those less fortunate than us. Often we think that we have to do something big and amazing when really, doing something small, such as handing out care packages to the homeless, is a wonderful way to be the hands of Jesus.

I highly encourage you to head over to Jen's blog. I think you'll be inspired too.

Do you have ideas of everyday ways that we can bless others? Have you ever done anything like this to care for someone? I'd love to hear about it!

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