
Friday, January 15, 2010

Help for Haiti

This is now closed. I made a donation on 1/18/10 of $20 to Heart of Compassion. Thanks to those of you that participated!

The country of Haiti and the few people that I know that are there right now have been on my mind and in my prayers often the last several days. When these sort of disasters happen I always find myself wishing that I could do something to help...something big and amazing. There is so much need and I wish desperately that I could somehow ease some of it.

While not big and amazing, you and I can do something. My husband and I have already given a donation to Heart of Compassion Outreach, a ministry that has been helping Haitians for a number of years. But I felt led to do more and so I am going to allow you to help as well.

For every comment left on this post, I will donate $0.50 to Heart of Compassion Outreach who will then use the money to continue to meet the physical needs of the earthquake victims.

There's more you can do as well. We are a blessed people and have been given so much. I encourage you to donate to Heart of Compassion Outreach or other organizations that are helping to meet the needs in Haiti. And then visit Money Saving Mom's site and leave a comment/comments to allow more to be given.

Thank you and may God bless you!


  1. Giving $1,600 and inviting you to link to my blog. I will give a box of Godiva to a joyful giver!

  2. Thanks for spreading the word. I am participating too! Please link up or leave a comment. Blessings!

  3. Lydia, Thanks for linking up. I am donating $2 for every link and $.25 for each comment.

  4. I'm donating $.10 per comment/link and $.25 per commenter who comments that they've made a donation already.

  5. We are donating $1/link and $.50/comment to World Vision. Visit at:

  6. Thanks for helping the people in Haiti! Have a great day! :)

  7. Thank you. I donated to a relief organization via PayPal. It wasn't a large amount but I trust God will use it to His glory nontheless.
    Tracy (South Africa)

  8. We're donating $1 per link or comment on our blog post!

  9. I am praying for the people of Haiti and plan to make a donation at my local grocery story. I will keep them in my prayers.

  10. Thank you for doing this. My husband and I donated through Samaritan's Purse. And now I'm clicking to comment on every site I can...every little bit helps!

  11. Our hearts are with the people of Haiti as well! My husband and I are donating $1/donation shared on our blog...

    Thanks for your donation as well!!! Every bit helps!

  12. Bless you, we are giving away 2 pounds of Starbucks Coffee to those who are doing something to help those in Haiti.

  13. I donated via text to the Red Cross & Yele :)

  14. Praying for the ones in Haiti.

  15. praying for the people of Haiti!

  16. Thank you so much for helping Haiti by stopping by my blog! What a blessing! :D


  17. Our family has donated $150 to the Red Cross for helping Haiti.

  18. Thank you for what you are doing for the people in Haiti! We just heard from Angela today and they seem to be doing as good as can be expected. I guess the Red Cross and others are going to be moving into there area soon...ptl! ~ Susan

  19. Susan, I keep praying...the next couple of months will continue to be tough I am sure!


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